Barry Gardiner MP
Barry Gardiner MP is the MP for Brent North, he was the Former UK’s Shadow Secretary of State for International Trade and Shadow Minister for International Climate Change. Barry was first appointed to Labour’s shadow cabinet in June 2016, leading on energy and climate change. Prior to these positions, Barry served on Labour’s front bench as the Shadow Minister for the Natural Environment and Fisheries from 2013 and then Shadow Minister for Energy and Climate Change from September 2015. Under previous Labour governments, he served as the Minister for Biodiversity and as the Minister for Competitiveness in the Department of Trade & Industry, as well as a Direct Rule Minister in the Northern Ireland Office. He is the Vice-President for Europe on the board of the Global Legislators Organisation for a Balanced Environment. The Chartered Institute of Water and Environment Managers named him as the Environmental Parliamentarian of the Year in 2013 describing him as “One of the most influential environmental thinkers in politics today”.
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+44 020 7654 7789